about 1 1/2 miles in width. The north-eastern
end is on Pass Cavallo, the entrance to Matagorda Bay from the Gulf of
Mexico. This is the spot where the French explorer, Rene Robert Cavelier,
Sieur de La Salle landed on February 15, 1685, on his ill-fated mission, and
established his first base. This was not far from where the wreckage of
the bark, La Belle, one of La Salle's ships,
was retrieved from Matagorda Bay in
the summer of 1996... [more]
 Several of the original settlers are buried on Matagorda Island
to the heirs of the early settlers location. They
staked their fortunes, future and even their lives on its sandy shores and
invested heavily, but overlooked a key unknown factor; the U.S. government (and
the greed of certain individuals). The heirs of the original settlers lost their Matagorda Island
homes and land to the United States government, after having survived
hurricanes, droughts, blizzards, and many other adversities....[more]